We have transitioned from spring into summer, and we are also transitioning with regard to our parish Food Pantry. For the past eighteen years, Mary Clulo has been serving as the coordinator of our Food Pantry. Along with working very hard at our immediate parish, she has also been engaged on a wider level with an organization called the Northwest Food Coalition. This coalition encompasses the counties of Leelanau, Benzie, Antrim, Kalkaska, and Grand Traverse, and it offers support to over thirty different pantries within this five-county region. Faced with increasing administrative needs, they are relying more and more on Mary and her particular skills. This creates more of a need at our parish, and thankfully Lisa Schaub has agreed to take on this responsibility. She has been working as a pantry volunteer for the past two years, and now she will function as more of a coordinator. So we are blessed to have Lisa serving in the one capacity, and to have Mary serving in that more regional capacity. It’s important not only to thank Mary and Lisa, but also to ensure they receive all necessary support. Pray for them, contribute to the pantry, and please consider stepping on board as a volunteer. May you have a very blessed and very enjoyable summer.