We are at a point now within our society where we need to talk more openly about the subject of pornography addiction. Because it’s available on so many platforms (internet/tablet/mobile phone), pornography has become a kind of nation-wide epidemic. It’s an issue that has received recent attention from the Council of Catholic Bishops (see their 2015 document, “Create In Me A Clean Heart”). Even those within the secular community have identified the dangers of pornography. You can visit the website for “Fight The New Drug” in order to learn more about the harmful effects that become manifested at the neurological and chemical level of the brain. And from a more Catholic perspective, you can enroll in a special confraternity called the “Angelic Warfare Confraternity.” It’s a Dominican initiative and you can explore their website at
www.angelicwarfareconfraternity.org. Even if you don’t personally have any struggles with the influence of pornography, it’s likely you’ll end up knowing of somebody who does have a problem or an affliction. May we always be accompanied by God’s blessings.