Donut Sunday’s at St. Patrick The first Sunday of each month we serve donuts in the parish hall. We are in need of people to sign up to serve. This will include picking up donuts, fruit and milk at Family Fare (credit card provided), setting things out and cleanup afterwards. Instructions are provided. Sign-up sheets will be at the back of church this Sunday. This is a fun family volunteer project. Questions can be directed to [email protected] or 231-590-1486.
St. Patrick Now has Access to “FORMED”
1. Go to
2. Click “Sign Up.”
3. Select “Sign Up As a Parishioner”
4. Find St. Mary Hannah (by parish name or zip Code 49649)
5. Enter your name and email—and you’re in!
If you have any questions, please contact the parish office @943-4633
What Is Happening In the Parish
The Sanctuary Candle burns this week in honor of all Parishioners of St. Patrick Church
Monday, December 2nd Rev. Aloysius Okpala
Tuesday, December 3rd 10:00 a.m-12:00 p.m. Food Pantry Open 6:00 p.m.——Mass followed by Adoration Pam Albarado by Tom Zeoli, St. Patrick Music Ministry Rev. Ben Paris
Wednesday, December 4th 6:00pm—CCW Christmas Cookie Exchange/social Hall 6:00pm—Youth 4;12/Conference Room Rev. Leonard Paul
Thursday, December 5th 7:30am-8:30am—Confessions 9:00am—Mass Daniel Bell by The Stricker Family 6:00pm—Potluck Theology/social hall 6:00pm—Music Ministry Rev. Yakubu Philibus
Friday, December 6th Rev. Alfred Pillarelli
Saturday, December 7th 8:00am-3:00pm—Michael’s Place 2:30-3:30 p.m. Confessions -St. Patrick 4:00 p.m.—MASS Albert Wolf by Stephen & Brenda Skiera Pope Francis
Sunday, December 8th Second Sunday of Advent “Donut Sunday” Retirement Fund for the Religious Collection 11:00 a.m.—Mass Debbie Ritchie by Uncle Dennis & Lezlie Rev. Msgr Mark Plewka
PASTOR: Reverend Joe Muszkiewicz
PARISH DEACON: Rene Hoenscheid
Office Hours: 8:30am-2:00pm.
NOTE: Office Closed for lunch 11:00am to noon
Food Pantry open Tuesday and Thursday 10:00am to noon
Something New For Your App If you have the myParish app on your cell phone, you may notice a temporary background change for the Lent and Easter seasons. It is a beautiful background of the Holy Cross and again it is just temporary. Another feature that will be found on your app is called Lenten Reflections. It will be found under the icon called Inspire Daily. Remember there are so many features on your app and they are easy to use. No matter what kind of smart phone you own, it is easy to download if you do not already have the app. If you have any questions, please contact either Sue Korson or Sherrie Clutts at the parish office.
What Does It Mean To Be A Registered Parish Member vs. Unregistered From time to time we experience individuals who indicate that they are parish members but when it comes time to looking up needed information on them, we have nothing in our records. (NOTE: This scenario is true for all parishes.) Often people attend Mass at a parish for months or sometimes years, but never officially register. Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much simpler when it is time for receiving sacraments, registering for faith formation (religious education), sponsoring a sacrament recipient and even planning funerals. When a person is registered in a parish, all of their sacraments (Baptism, First Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage and Death) are recorded in the sacramental archive books. So why is it so important to be an actual registered member of a parish? Living in a culture that no longer supports a religious way of life, much less a Catholic Christian way of life, the local parish plays an integral role in helping to guide and support us on our journey. The parish does this through it's educational and formational programs, prayer groups, spiritual development and celebrations of the Word and Sacraments. In the Roman Catholic Church of the United States of America, members to be considered "active" parishioners must be registered in the Parish for a sufficient period of time, fulfilled the Sabbath Commandment by attending Mass faithfully on Sundays and Holy Days, and continuously support the Mission of Christ in the local Parish by preferably using the envelope system. In order to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, Confirmation, or Holy Matrimony you need be a registered member. To help insure this dynamic in the parish, the Church requires registration. Parish registration creates a two -fold obligation: On one hand, the pastor is obligated to serve the spiritual needs of that individual. On the other hand, the individual is obligated to support the mission and needs of the parish. If you are unsure that you are a registered member of St. Patrick’s, please contact Sue Korson at the parish office. If you aren’t, it only takes a few minutes to do so. –Sherrie Clutts DRE